Equipment Rental

Our flexible Rental solutions allow customers to purchase business use assets without the burden of a large upfront payment.

Through our tailored rental plans the risk of technology obsolescence is minimised as businesses can replace and update their existing equipment during the rental contract without penalty.

The key features of Rental are:
  • Remove the need for major capital outlays from your balance sheet.
  • Avoid technology obsolescence and escalating warranty costs from aging assets.
  • Provides simple agreements that cater for a broad range of equipment with the flexibility to upgrade at any time during the lease term.
  • Repayments are 100% tax deductible.
  • Avoid the cost of ownership and disposal.
  • Allow accurate forecasting for ongoing cash flow requirements.
  • Consolidate existing and new assets into a single agreement.

Most people prefer to rent technology-based assets with the view of upgrading them at the end of the original term. This provides flexibility should your circumstances change as well as tax advantages for your business.

The Benefits of a Rental are:
  • No major capital investment.
  • Rental payments may be viewed as 100% tax-deductible.
  • Match expense of equipment with benefit as derived by use over time.
  • Ability to incorporate all costs of a Technology Environment, including: Hardware, Software, Warranties, Maintenance and Service Contracts.
  • Flexibility to acquire the use of more equipment as needs arise.
  • Rental payments may be viewed as an operating expense eliminating the need to record the liability of transactions in the capital account.
  • Improved management of the Technology Environment and the associated costs.


The rental solutions proposed can provide for additional equipment and services to be added to the facility throughout the rental term, subject to approval.

Provided the agreement is finalised satisfactorily in accordance with the terms of the agreement, the renter may:

Upgrade to new equipment

Terminate and return equipment

Re-rent at an agreed rental reduction

Apply to Buy at lease end for agreed value

Asset finance for small business

Creative Financial Solutions

Matrix Asset Finance remains the one constant in an ever-changing finance landscape.

Low DOC Lending

Upgrade Programs

Sale And Lease Back

Master Agreements

Why Choose MAF?

We Get Small Business

The need for small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) to acquire business purpose assets never changes. Sadly, the requirements from traditional lending sources to buy those assets is constantly changing!

Ability to handle all asset classes
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Full Product Suite (Rental & Ownership options)
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Can support applicants with limited trading history
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Simple documents, process & credit criteria
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Fast approvals & payments
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