Credit Criteria

ABN & GST registration 2 years+ ABN & GST registration 1-2 years
Application / Privacy Form Application / Privacy Form
Clear Identification / AML Clear Identification / AML
Clear credit history Clear credit history
Acceptable trade reference Acceptable trade reference
Directors guarantee/s Directors guarantee/s
Asset backed or 20% upfront payment required Asset backed or 30% upfront payment required
Insurance details required Insurance details required
Most recent BAS or last 3 months bank statements
Applications > $25k require
supporting financial statements
Maximum loan size is $25k


  • Product is standard rental only
  • Commercial purposes only
  • Repayments monthly in advance
  • Apply to Buy options available upon request
  • Property backed applications do not require upfront payment
  • Payments via Direct Debit only unless otherwise approved
  • New or used identifiable assets acceptable
  • Maximum exposure of $40,000 ex. GST in first 12 month for any individual client
  • Trust deeds required where applicable
  • Supplier to be formally accredited before accepting applications
  • Settlements on scanned copies acceptable. Originals to be mailed.
  • MAF reserves the right to request additional information as needed
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