Introducer Partners

Vendors / Suppliers

We support hundreds of suppliers, distributors and resellers of all types of equipment across Australia and understand the need to have flexible and cost-effective funding options during your sales cycle for the following reasons.

Increase Sales Profit Finance helps to convert sales, which equates to improved bottom line

Simple Process, Fast Approvals Making approvals simple and payments fast is key to our success

Lockout your competitors Promoting finance terms can provide a clear upgrade path for future sales

Value Add Including a finance option with every quote provides a point of difference against your competitors

Protect Margins Avoiding outright payment options & offering finance terms help to protect your margins

Control Customer Life CycleUnderstanding when your customers should upgrade their equipment will create additional sales opportunities

Accountants / Solicitors / Consultants

Offering trusted finance solutions to your service proposition is a simple way to provide more value to your customers. As a referral partner you can always rely on professional and responsive results from every enquiry you have.

Fast Approvals Time is of the essence with quick turn around times

Avoid Red Tape from Banks Much simpler process than dealing with banks

Preserve Cashflow Retain cash for more strategic purposes in the business

Value Add for your customers Provide support for your clients over and above your traditional services

SME Specialists Solutions designed to support all types of business structures

Assets the banks won’t fundScope to provide funding for all asset classes including tertiary goods

Finance Brokers

Having simple options for small ticket equipment finance transactions has never been more important. The banks are constantly changing their credit policies and Matrix Asset Finance makes this process easy for you and your clients.

Commissions Payable Increase your earning potential via a generous commission structure

Auto Approvals sub $25k Simple policies & documentation for small ticket transactions

Low Doc Approvals Simplified application process for business use assets sub $25,000 ex. GST

Fast (no fuss) Assessments Quick turnaround times with minimal credit criteria for streamlined applications

12 Months+ ABN Ability to support applicants with limited trading history

Diverse Asset Range Scope to provide funding for all asset classes including tertiary goods

Mortgage Brokers

Provide your business clients with simple options for small ticket equipment finance purchases without needing to be an expert in Asset Finance. Matrix Asset Finance provides low doc finance solutions to help add value to your traditional property-based loan services.

SME Equipment Finance Specialists Simplifying access to finance for your clients

Simple Credit Criteria Simple policies for small ticket equipment purchases

Commissions Payable Increase your earning potential via a generous commission structure

Fast (Low Doc) Assessments Quick turnaround times for streamlined applications sub $25,000 ex. GST

Business Use Applications Only Asset finance for ABN’s or individuals with business use

Help Line AvailableTrained resource to help process your entire referral

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